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Ensure Laser Welding Quality through Process Innovation Assisted by Advanced Welding Simulation in Lightweight EV Battery Enclosures

Industry Participant:General Motors LLC

National Laboratories:Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Structural battery enclosure must meet the stringent quality and performance requirement in EV body structures, including leak-proof to prevent the battery inside malfunctioning and safety hazard. Since battery enclosure is a key contributor to the weight of battery system, high strength lightweight Al alloys are considered for significant lightweighting at affordable cost. But these Al alloys are prone to weld solidification cracking, causing leaking. This project will develop an advanced high-speed laser welding process through process innovation assisted by advanced welding simulation to ensure cracking free laser welding of lightweight EV battery enclosures to meet industry’s needs for fast and cost-effective battery enclosure assembly under the high-volume production environment.


Jian Chen